Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
KofC Update
So, what's new gents? It's been quiet on the KofC front lately, but that doesn't mean we haven't been doing stuff.
The other day Dammer treked up to the great north and we had some solid 3v3 Halo 1 action. It was fun and we were thinking we would like to set up another Halo 1 LAN. Some weekend before the weather gets nice.
Also, not many of us has been playing COD lately, I played a bit with Puyo and some others. Most of us agree that playing COD by yourself kind of blows, but when we get a full group together it's pretty fun.
Does anyone want to play tonight? If not we should find a night a week where we know people should be online. I am thinking either Monday or Thursday night.
That's about it. What's going on with you fools?
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4:17 PM
Tags: CODMW2