All you need is an old Xbox HDDVD drive and some other stuff that I don't really understand.
But you can light matches with the laser. I am sure I have a need for that.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Laser that burns things
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3:58 PM
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cool, makes me wish I had an old cd rom or dvd drive to laser my airsoft gun with.
i wonder how that feels on your skin. maybe just tickles a little bit but if you held it there, could maybe leave a small burn mark?
yeah, it can blind u too, cause it's such a powerful laser
puyo, add a regular laser pointer for your air soft gun.
also, a laser doesn't need to be this powerful to blind you.
regular laser pointers are so lame
This makes me wonder how far off we are from having a Spartan laser available off the shelf.
SB, Puyo my parents informed me yesterday that they're going to be coming for a visit this weekend so I won't be coming up to the cities (at least not for a visit, I have a feeling I'll be going shopping.....dammit).
regular laser pointers are strong enough to cause at least temporary blindness, but your eyes are much more sensitive than your skin. normally laser pointers can't light a match or pop a balloon but so can a magnifying glass using the sun. so i think this laser would have a similar effect on your skin as magnifying the sun's rays, which would be able to burn your skin.
Okay, let me explain my comments... pablito said asked if could burn you, which it probably can.
Then puyo said, "yeah, it can blind u too, cause it's such a powerful laser"
I was saying thats a dumb comment, because of course if a laser can burn you, it can obviously blind you. And that "it's such a powerful laser" doesn't add anything to the conversation.
In addition, I was saying that Puyo should just add a regular laser pointer to his airsoft gun and not a "cd rom or dvd laser" to it because if it's just to sight the airsoft, its easier to do.
The problem isn't that your comments weren't clear, it's that no one cares. lol
I think it's safe to say no one cares about anything we write on this blog. Lower readership due to the poor economy?
yeah I think so. Oh and I actually though the "because it's such a powerful laser" was really dumb thing to say too. I actually meant to say that it can burn you because it is so powerful, and can blind you more easily or whatever, but wasn't really paying attention and posted it, then didn't really care to change it just because I didn't think anyone would really care, and because I thought maybe it would get some funny comments on there about how it was stupid. lol w/e I just pwned dammer by posting at 4:04 AM
oh yeah and dammer, you probably know this, but the military for some time, has had laser systems capable of burning up incoming artillary shells. And I think they were making ones to take down missiles too but idk how that went.
Sweet, so we're getting closer to having handheld Spartan lasers we can purchase off the shelf that make a high pitched annoying noise when they charge.
Tilla and I actually played some H3 this week at his place. It was quite a bit of fun I must say. Although I think I had more fun beating The Shivering Isles expansion to Oblivion this last weekend.
I want to play some Halo 3. Also spartan lasers take way too long to charge. with their tech it should be immediate.
I think we should all remember that a laser is actually an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. So really we should be writing it LASER.
I'm glad Daymonster and Puyo have settled their differences.
Oh we haven't settled shit.
Dammer have you played Fallout 3 yet? I think I like Oblivion better than Fallout 3. The quests in Oblivion were a lot more fun and the skills you get were a lot more varied. Fallout 3 is a lot of fun though, and VATS is totally sweet.
No I haven't played Fallout yet. The Shivering Isles expansion was in my opinion a lot cooler than the main quest. Well I should rephrase that, it was a lot more interesting. I don't think it could stand on its own as a main quest for a game, but I don't think it really would be that hard to flesh it out enough to make it a main quest.
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