Yeah, so what are you guys all up to?
Dammer, so your engaged to an imaginary girl? That's cool.
Shoes McGee, I got you beat on all but one speed run in Braid.
Pablito, any news on moving to Germany?
Puyo, macking chicks?
SB, anything new besides Mexico?
Adeclipse, hows Texas?
Unky's, how is Luther?
Josey, where have you been?
TILLA, where have you been?
FuggFirst, where have you been?
Also, here is a review of GOW2. Anyone want to play tonight?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What's up dudes?
Posted by
9:43 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Weekend Recap
Hello KofC,
It's been a real long time since I actually posted a regular post. I would say arguably my last "real" post was December 5th. Those were the good old days. Christmas was still coming up and it wasn't -30 degrees.
Pablito and SB should be at the airport right now waiting for their flight. And I am at work, like a sucker. Feeling pretty sick.
As many of you know Pablito and SB came for the weekend on Saturday afternoon. I picked them up at the airport after a short delay and we went and got pizza at Pete's Pizza.
With both SB and myself feeling pretty sick, we sucked it up and joined some people on a Bar Golf tour. For those of you not familiar with Bar Golf, there are 9 bars on a pub/bar tour. Each one represents a hole and each one has a par. A par 4 is one drink/beer, par 5 is two drinks/beers. You can get birdies, eagles and hole-in-ones by drinking more drinks, shots, drop shots/bombs or combinations of all of them. We joined the group on the third hole, but quickly made up ground and arguably we could have made a case for the win or at least a sudden death playoff.
Amongst a lot of people dressed in golf apparel, we had a good time. One lady came over to us and asked what three good looking dudes were doing talking to each other and not her and her two friends. We politely played along as we might mosey our way over there, but then quickly walked the other way as she went back to report the news to her lonely friends. While the third female was obstructed from view, the two we could see (including the ballsy one who talked to us), were not quite up to our impossibly high standards. The ballsy one I referred too might have actually had balls. Her Adams apple was quite pronounced.
We found a couple new friends and convinced them to play credit card roulette for the next round of hole-in-one inducing irish car bombs. Luckily, each new member of our group got stuck with the bill. No funny business was used, third parties held the cards and the new members got to choose. Sometimes the drinking gods smile down on you.
We ended our night hailing a cab back to my place while a drunk homophob tried to fight us. Good times. We played castle crashers and braid for a while. Which btw, I recommend braid to all KofC members.
The next day we went to a breakfast place called Flat Top. Ate some food, and then played soccer. It was the playoffs and the two ringers I brought in couldn't do shit. Partially due to hangovers? Maybe. But either way my dreams of my soccer team finally winning a game was shattered.
Hungover and sick, we watched football and shawshank redemption for the rest of the night.
Yesterday we went to Notorious. Pablito and I liked it. SB thought it was boring. We then went to ESPN zone for dinner, and then quickly dropped about 60 bucks at the arcade. All throwing out our arms and schooling young children in hockey. After that we went to Lucky Strike, where we played pool and bowled.
Pablito won a very close bowling competition that netted him an extra 40 dollars on the night.
We came back and harassed people on PlayStation Home for a while. The non-workers (SB and Pablito) polished off the night with a boot each.
Some take aways from the weekend:
- Drinking slows down a recovery from sickness.
- Pablito is unstoppable at credit card roulette. (0 losses/6 games)
- SB is pretty good at credit card roulette. (1 loss/6 games)
- I am down right terrible at cc roulette (3 losses/6 games)
- PlayStation Home is fun for only one thing. Cock blocking 43 yr old UPS mechanic pedophiles.
- Obama is now the president of the United States. No matter how you feel about that, you have to admit the car trailing his new limo is down right awesome.
I'll be in MN, not this weekend, but next weekend. Anyone have any plans on Friday the 30th?
Posted by
2:09 PM
Tags: bowling, Drinking, Pablito Neal, Squatting Bear
Thursday, January 15, 2009
GOW2 Tonight
Talked to SB, and Puyo. Puyo said he talked to Adeclipse. Gears of War 2 tonight? I can play from like 6-8, and then 9-whenever.
Posted by
2:57 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sunday Afternoon Time-wasting
Man it's been a while, I almost forgot about how much fun it can be to post. In any case, I'm wondering how everyone's Christmas/New Years was. Mine was pretty dang good, hectic but good. I went to DanaWillEatU's Mom's in Sauk Centre for Christmas, back to Owatonna to work on that Friday, to my parent's place in Iowa for the weekend, back up to DanaWillEatU's mom's on Sunday, back to Owatonna on Monday, work for two days, up to DanaWillEatU's sister's house in Hutchinson Wednesday night for New Years, back to Owatonna Friday morning. Needless to say I'm tired of riding/driving.
I don't have an engagement to announce following the holidays, but it's been crossing the mind quite frequently now. One perk of that day coming is that I won't have all of DanaWillEatU's family checking her ring finger every time we come visit.
My New Years report is far less glamourous than last year (at least I didn't get kicked out of a club), although it was quite fun. I mixed Crown and Coke all night with DanaWillEatU's brother-in-laws and watched Superbad and Eagle Eye. We all probably know how entertaining Superbad is, but I'm curious as to whether any of you know how entertaining Eagle Eye is. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not entertaining and 10 being Iowa beating up on South Carolina in the Outback Bowl, this rated a 3.2 for me. I think I've gotten more enjoyment out of a Patrick Dempsey chick flick than I did out of Eagle Eye.
Holy cow, the TV just told me that the Baltimore Ravens' Ed Reed has 5 career interceptions in 3 post-season games, that's pretty damn good. Too bad the game isn't all that entertaining and I've been watching Smokey and the Bandit for much of it instead. I never would have guessed that transporting Coors east of Texas back in 1977 would be considered bootlegging. Here are some other online tidbits I've come across as of late:
- Nothing worse than an out of control beaver
- As if we didn't already know
- A buddy at bowling showed this service from Google to me a couple weeks ago, I've already used it when I was lost trying to find DanaWillEatU and I's hotel
I'm going to make another attempt at coming up to the cities for a weekend, potentially the 24th. Go Vikings!
Posted by
1:46 PM
Tags: Christmas, Dammer, Daymonster, football, Girlfriend, Sports