Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm Bored

So I built this...


Pablito Neal said...

i wish i still had my legos from when i was a kid

Jeff said...

My brothers and I would make guns out of our legos. And not lame ones, but real interesting ones. They each had an actual barrel, and we used one of the lego doors that swings open as the spot where you load it by putting in some 4x4 legos stacked on each other.

Also, if you want to see what's caused me ungodly amounts of stress the last two weeks, you can go see the new company website I rolled out yesterday.

locopuyo said...

congrats on the site, I have obtained a new job for those who didn't know.

more of us need to play halo wars

Jeff said...

Puyo where and what is the new job?

locopuyo said...

Programming for a railcar billing system type thing. The company is in downtown Minneapolis but I work from home and only go into the office occasionally, so they pay for my internet, which btw comcast just doubled in speed to 12/2 w00t, sb yours is now 16/2.

Jeff said...

Can you please make the trains stop going through Owatonna? It's like a flippen central hub and I get caught by one at least once or twice a week. kthxbai

locopuyo said...

I played 5 2v2's with Apples o or whatever his name is yesterday and we won all of them easily, he is pretty good. I found another person to play with

locopuyo said...

so we can do 3v3s when SB is being lame

adeclipse said...

Dajuicee and I have been playing some lately. I've just been busy with a few things lately and haven't been on in the evenings as much. We need to play some sometime though.

Daymonster said...

who is apples?

locopuyo said...

Some random dude from Quebec I played Halo Wars with and he added me as a friend.