Who knew a 2 day work week could still suck so much?
Anyway, as I am sure you are all aware, two of my favorite movie series are premiering tonight. High School Musical 3: Senior Year and Saw V. Squatting Bear, I am sure you are planning on seeing Saw V? Do you think you will have to walk out in the middle of it and come back like you did with The Strangers?
Which I just realized Dennis from Always Sunny is in that movie... strange. (no pun intended)
The recordings from last weekend are pretty interesting and sometimes annoying. Will hopefully have it up and ready to go this weekend. It would have been a lot easier to edit it if Josey wouldn't have kept calling certain girls by their full first and last name.
Halloween is almost here. What do you think the top costumes are going to be? Sarah Palin for girls? Leger Joker for guys? What is the KofC dressing up as?
I am going as a Ghostbuster and or Greenman.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Saw V and Halloween
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4:27 PM
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I really want to get this and wear it since I saw it one time at some random event.
I thought it'd be funny.
Yeah I have to decide what I'm gonna be for Halloween too. I like the God's Gift to Women idea. It'd be cooler if you put a cooler in there so that you always had cold beer inside your box.
dammer, wtf is up with adobe
ninja obv
Dude, Adobe's a pain in the ass to install. My best advice is to actually purchase the damn thing, or wipe you computer and try again. You could spend 6 hours trying to get it fixed to no avail. Go search through the Adobe forums and there'll be a bunch of people trying to fix your problem.
Legends of the Hidden Temple contestant... I know it's somewhat lame, however I wanted a blue barracudas shirt. I thought about being a priest too. Someone should be a KofC (not of Cydonia).
Dude, my sister got me one of those shirts for my birthday. The rattlesnake one. Blue Barracudas were my favorite too.
I was always a Green Monkey fan or Red Jaguar. I also always felt bad for the Purple Parrots, the were always not very good. I hated the Silver Snakes because they always advanced past the first round.
i won some lederhosen on ebay, i just hope they arrive before halloween. i'd like to get a hat to go with it too.
I will only condone the legends of the hidden temple costume if you really go all out. I'm talking get a gold bike helmet, excessive padding on knees and elbows, possibly a fake stone monkey in three pieces and water shoes.
Don't forget the mouth guards! If you have any obese friends you could have them dress up as Olmec the talking stone head.
Two-ton fits the bill!
Did it bother anyone else, that they used illiteration for half the teams and not the others? Orange monkeys, Red Jaguars? WTF
yeah I thought that was kinda wierd too.
Did anyone else play Far Cry 2 yet? I played it on PC, ZZzzzzzz, just another average FPS. I pre-ordered Fallout 3 on Steam so I'll be able to play it at midnight. hell yeah
Little Big Planet for PS3 should be here today or tomorrow.
I'm going as Bob Ross, of Joy of Painting fame. Can't wait for Fallout 3.
man i have no idea wtf u guys are talking about, nerds.
I heard far cry 2 was really good for 360. "Best looking game in the history of the console"
it got fairly good reviews.
but I thought the gameplay was pretty stale, and there wasn't anything new or special that made it fun
Shoes that's one of the best costume ideas ever.
If I can find the proper sweater I'm going as Mr. Rogers.
Haha, thanks Daymonster... I'm growing out my beard and I bought a brown afro just for the occasion. Still need to find a palette and a brush/putty spatula or whatever you call those. I'll post some pics sometime after Friday
Jake are you getting the Navy tattoos or whatever they were that Mr. Rogers had that made him wear sweaters all the time to cover them up? You could also just pass out and let people write on you with a marker, that would take care of it.
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