A week ago today things weren't looking too great for Unky Warthog. My 360 had gotten RROD for the 2nd time, I had <$1000 to my name, and for the first time in my life I was beginning to buy low-cost off-brand items at Walmart to save a few pennies.
But then I won a bunch of money. Last Tuesday night I won a $1000 tournament for $77,000 and then got 2nd in a $150 tournament for $19,000. Though I won $96,000, I kept only $36,000 because of the financial deal I was in with a very good man who may be visiting this weekend.
I was lucky enough to have Holla10, SB, Unky Eternal, and my backer stay up with me through the wee hours of the night and managed to keep the noise down while my unaware roommates slept upstairs. When there were 50 people left in the tournament Eternal asked if I would buy a carton of cigarettes if I won, and as sure as my name is Unky, I did! I bought a carton of cigarettes! Still many packs left.
The next day I went on a massive shopping spree at Walmart. I bought a new 360, a plug and play, 5 bottles of booze, a wireless router, and countless other goodies. While my poor friends were returning cans for a five cent refund I was strolling the aisles w/ Eternal putting whatever I wanted in the cart. Not since freshman year have I had money that I could be so reckless with.
And things only got better. On Friday SB, Holla10, and Auntie Eternalex (eternal's GF), came down and we partied pretty hard. Some highlights included beers at a restaurant/bar, boots, beer pong, Family Table, Great Dragon, and a case b/w SB and Holla Saturday afternoon. We also played some live poker and I swiped SB clean. That night SB and Holla were pretty strung out but they managed to muster up some strength and party once more.
We went to the local club and when the lights turned on for closing time the bar was astonished to see what was about 2L of blood on the dancefloor. Apparently some girl stepped on a bottle. Soon an ambulance came and it sounds like the girl will be alright. Much to the chagrine of Auntie Eternalex, SB woke up at 8:45 the next morning and made her give him a ride home. Holla10 and I played poker all day, with no luck, but fun was surely had by all.
I look forward to a trip to St. Paul this weekend. First clan gathering where everyone is of legal age?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wins for Warthog
Posted by
Unky Warthog
7:55 PM
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solid post, and congrats once again.
yeah, congrats again man that's sweet
Definitely missed my 8 am... what a crazy night.
Congrats Unky... What time did the tourneys end at?
Nicely done Unky. Little did I know the excitement that was taking place not so far from where I'm at.
DJ, don't end a sentence with a preposition... (checks his last comment)... nevermind.
Daymonster coming hard with the grammar hammer!
This was one sweat I am very sad I missed, its been many moons since I have had a good sweat, I will forever regret missing this one. That said, congrats!
I noticed the following remark in your post: ". . . financial deal I was in with a very good man who may be visiting this weekend."
I really hope this great man does in fact show up. Unky you have officially gotten my hopes way up.
Unfortunately he's not showing up. He was enthusiastic to coming but he is moving into a new place. Regardless, much fun will be had by all this weekend.
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