Friday, April 4, 2008

Random Babbling from The Daymonster

There hasn't been a lot of good news here lately. Besides SB's new house, things for the Daymonster haven't been looking that good.

Liriano might not make it back in the rotation as early as previously expected. Which really sucks because he was one of my keepers on my fantasy team.

It's been about 45 days since I last saw my beautiful xbox. After about 4 weeks at the repair center they just decided to send me a brand new one. Which sounds great but why did it take them 4 fuckin' weeks to figure that out. Plus when I retrieve my gamertag I will only be able to access all the games and stuff I have downloaded when the xbox is online. But the good news is, it is being delivered today, the bad news is, of course, I don't live where it is being delivered to. Tonight I am going to go to my old place, grab the little note from UPS and try to pick it up at the UPS warehouse.

Also, I have gone about 6 days without cable or internet. It's been hell. Luckily the cable dude is coming to flip the switch for me tonight. He will be there sometime between 5-8pm, and since I work until 5pm, I can guarantee that is exactly when the dude will be there. I guess I shouldn't say dude, but I find it hard to believe that there are any female cable men out there, I mean they are called cable guys or cable men not cable ladies. It's science.

In theory, I could have my xbox and functioning internet this weekend. With the COD4 maps out, and the Halo maps soon to follow, things could be looking better.

Also, SB, you probably already know this but when you looked at your new house did you check to see if there were closets. That is a mistake I made, my new apartment has no closets. There are some things that look like closets when the door is shut but they all have things like water heaters in side or are way to small to actually put anything in them. I don't own any dressers or anything like that so this has caused a problem.

As you can tell if you have made it this far, this post is one that is incoherent and practically unreadable. Partly because I don't really have that much to say, and partly because I am so excited to get my xbox and internet up and running.

Also, any KofC members interested in coming to Chicago to watch the Twins play the White Sox next week? If you don't have two words for you... come'on.


Pablito Neal said...

actually i had a cable lady install the stuff at my last apartment. i was pretty surprised. i remember she had some tattoos and i think a harley davidson shirt. she also didn't know what s-video or hdmi was when i asked if the cable box had them.

Pablito Neal said...

i'm 85% sure, it was really early on a saturday morning and i didn't have my contacts in when she came

Jeff said...

I had a cable guy that installed my stuff. It was quite awkward, he had to sit on hold with Charter for about 20 minutes waiting for them to pick up so he could turn on my service. The silence was deafening.

Jeff said...

Check out this story and my synopsis of what actually transpired.

They said the nest only had one egg in it…….however what they don't know is that before little Alexa entered the stadium it had 4! Alexa entered Fenway on this trip for the sole purpose of securing a hawk egg (for their medicinal purposes obviously) to aid a suffering friend. She climbed to the top of the rafters behind home plate and after an initial fierce battle with the bird came crashing back down with the egg of a hawk. Now, unfortunately for our little Alexa, the field trip was going to last another 5 hours and she had forgotten to eat her breakfast. So, of course, she cracked the egg and fried it (using the grease from Manny's batting helmet) on the bleachers which were heated by the blistering Boston sun. In dismay, she finished her meal and began the climb up into the rafters all over again. Again she fought the hawk and again she fell down with one hawk egg. This time she was determined to finish her journey. But again hunger pangs attacked her, and since Big Pappi taking infield off of Daisuke looks like two overfed swine spitting at each other, she could not help but think of bacon and eggs and another delicious breakfast. So, again to Manny's helmet, out to Big Pappi for a few slices of bacon, and back to the bleacher seat for some good ol hawk-egg breakfast. Now once again in dismay after failing her duty, Alexa climbed to the top of the stadium and secured the final hawk egg. Again falling down with the egg Alexa tried to make a getaway but the hawk would hear nothing of it and so, with all its viciousness and vengeance, it attacked poor Alexa over and over and over until it drew blood on the poor girl. Alexa would not give in however and after receiving medical care she delivered the egg to the lowly Boston street bum that required its medicinal qualities. The bum immediately smashed the egg (while uttering something about the curse of the Bambino…bums apparently are still stuck in the 80's/90's) and ground up the shell of the egg into a fine paste which he applied liberally to his sore hamstrings. He had failed to tell Alexa that all he needed was the shell…..foolish girl.

Daymonster said...

WTF dammer

Pablito Neal said...

i have not seen almost heroes, did you luther guys always watch this movie or something?

Pablito Neal said...

ok i read the wikipedia entry for it, i get it now. you guys are part of this movie's cult following

Daymonster said...

I remember seeing it in theaters with my dad, but i don't remember anything about it except it came out right after farley died.

Jeff said...

Um, I wrote it in an email today at work to one of my coworkers, she didn't get it right away either. Of course, I knew some of the folks in this blogosphere would jump on it immediately.

Daymonster said...

I just watched the clip on youtube... it's all coming back to me know

DJmaestro said...

I almost take it as a criminal offense to not have seen Almost Heros let alone not even know the reference that Dammer brought up. I will give forgiveness this once, but I suggest that all who are not familiar with this movie instantly go out, buy it, and watch it numerous times. Although I am not a member of this clan, this movie should rank up in reverity along with Beerfest.

Unky Playboy said...

Agreed, I would say it is the only thing of substance that Matthew Perry has done...ever

Daymonster said...

Playboy, you must be forgetting about Hoosiers II: Senior Year, his few episodes on Growing Pains, and Who's the Boss.

locopuyo said...

I think it could have been even better if they had someone besides Mathew Perry in Almost Heroes.

Jeff said...

I agree with Puyo. Of course, anyone with Farley will work, but the least they could have done is used someone that doesn't make me cringe in most instances.