Thanks to an over-whelming response to my last post, I am now posting the answers to those questions I asked. (That was sarcasm, but thanks to Unky Warthog and Pablito for the responses, I'll add more if more people answer)
Video Game Category:
1. What was your first video game you remember playing/getting?
Unky Warthog: I remember playing Super Mario 3 at my Grandma's house. Besides that, Zelda for Gameboy, and Tecmo Bowl for SNES. I may have played NES first, but I don't think I remember it.
Pablito Neal: Mario for NES.
The Daymonster: I remember playing Atari at a friends house but the first video game I remember getting was the NES for Christmas with the Super Mario/Duck Hunt combo.
DammerWillEatU: Playing – a bowling game on an Atari. Getting – Super Mario World for game boy
Adeclipse: I remember playing a golf game for the old NES, along with Duckhunt and Mario Bros. The golf game was my dad's favorite back in the day.
2. What is your favorite system of all time?
Unky Warthog: Hmm...It's gotta be 360, but not by much. For me it's really what system have I had the best memories playing, and while some of my favorite video gaming experiences have been FFVII, Madden series on PS, and Halo for XBox, my memories for 360 include Big Bumpin', Worms, Uno, Halo 3, Amped 3, and many others.
Pablito Neal: Super Nintendo, followed closely by the TI-86 calculator.
The Daymonster: Original Xbox, Halo was way too much fun for it not to be. It was a hard decision selling the PS2 for an Xbox but I think I made the right decision.
DammerWillEatU: For what it can do and the user experience the 360. I have my best video game memories by far though from the Game Boy and the Sega Genesis.
Adeclipse: My favorite system of all time was probably the N64 because I can remember hours of fun linking up with friends to play Golden Eye and games like that.
3. What is your favorite video game of all time?
Unky Warthog: Final Fantasy VII. Someday I'll go back and play it and be disappointed in the quality for so many reasons, but I'll stick with that for now. I can still hear the song...'SEPH I ROTH!...SEPH I ROTH!...'
Pablito Neal: Football Manager.
The Daymonster: Probably Halo 1, but also Timesplitters and Metal Gear Solid bring back great memories.
DammerWillEatU: This is an unfair question. You should have said “favorite shooter” or “favorite sports” etc. Oh man…..uh…….uhhhh……….it’s ridiculously common of a choice I know but Ocarina of Time holds the biggest place in my heart for far too many reasons to explain here.
Adeclipse: Favorite game of all time would have to be the old Contra for the old school Nintendo. As easy as it was to beat it was still fun to do over and over. Also, I guess Sunset Riders was an awesome game back in the day.
4. What is your favorite video game peripheral of all time?
Unky Warthog: XBox 360 Mic, N64 Rumble Pack, PS Memory Card
Pablito Neal: Rock Band Guitar.
The Daymonster: NES power pad, Track and field back then had to be one of the best games ever.
DammerWillEatU: The Sega controller we got that allowed you to program a left and right shoulder button to a combination of the other buttons. NBA Jam TE was never the same, no longer was I in a constant state of holding down the Turbo button. I could now with the push of one button punch people and steal their ball…so much more efficient than trying to press two.
Adeclipse: I feel like saying the Joystick for PC but that would be too easy to say, and I didn't play a ton of PC games back in the day. So, I guess I'd have to say I liked the old school accessory guns for House of the Dead 3 back on the gamecube.
Food and Drink Category:
5. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Unky Warthog: It depends on the definition. If we're gonna say burger type joints, it's Arby's. If we're ordering at the counter, it's Noodles. If we go by the most broad definition, it's Pizza Hut.
Pablito Neal: Chipotle.
The Daymonster: Taco Bell, especially if I don't count what happens to my digestive system after.
DammerWillEatU: Arby’s. I’ve only been to Noodles & Company once, but I really really like it. I question whether I can call it fast food or not.
Adeclipse: Taco Bueno
6. What is your favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Unky Warthog: Fanta Icy Lemon or Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade
Pablito Neal: Dole Pineapple Orange Banana Juice.
The Daymonster: Gatorade, I am really liking the new yellow Tiger brand stuff.
DammerWillEatU: Lemon Lime Gatorade when I am utterly dehydrated. Cherry Coke made with Grenadine is awesome too.
Adeclipse: Dr. Pepper
7. What is your least favorite food, besides broccoli?
Unky Warthog: Eggplant and mushrooms are pretty bad. I've started to like olives.
Pablito Neal: Sushi.
The Daymonster: Without a doubt zucchini and mushrooms.
DammerWillEatU: Those chocolates with the disgusting cherry filling inside.
Adeclipse: Pickles, and hey I love Broccoli.
Miscellaneous Category:
8. Which is worse getting a burp in the face or a fart in the general area?
Unky Warthog: Burp in the face for sure.
Pablito Neal: General area fart is worse.
The Daymonster: Burp in the face is 100x worse.
DammerWillEatU: Fart in the general area.
Adeclipse: Fart in the general area, but only if It's known that there was gas passed, and only if it smells horrible. Dajuicee has some horrible smelling gas. When we used to room together he could clear the room even if he was sitting on the opposite side.
9. What combination of KofC members against SB and Josey would create the fairest fight?
Unky Warthog: Wait, we have a ninja in our clan, right? No need for a combination.
Pablito Neal: Adeclipse and Dammer.
The Daymonster: Everyone else.
DammerWillEatU: Eternal and Adeclipse.
Adeclipse: Hmm, I don't know how they fight and I don't know if you're referring to RL or game wise. In RL I'd love to take a crack. I like to fight even though I don't much since high school. Hockey used to do it for me all the time. I think Dajuicee and I could put up a good fight against most people because we have decent size.
10. Would you rather have no video games for a year or no sex for a year?
Unky Warthog: At this stage in my life probably no sex for a year. No guarantees it would happen anyway.
Pablito Neal: ... no vids, but it's tough.
The Daymonster: sex, as soon as I can have sex for hours at a time with multiple people, I'll revisit my response.
DammerWillEatU: No vids.
Adeclipse: Well, I'm married so one of them is already true... Just kidding. That's a rough question. I'm going to keep my mouth closed because I don't want to even have the chance of being in trouble.
11. What is your favorite free ware online game (besides Puyo's running one)?
Unky Warthog: Snood
Pablito Neal: Sudoku.
The Daymonster: Desktop Tower Defense.
DammerWillEatU: I don’t play that many, but I did play a game called Dragonslayer quite a bit back in middle school (I think that’s what it was called).
Adeclipse: I don't know what the name of it is but you do these random Olympic Games that are all kind of crappy, but still fun.
12. Does anyone want to plan a cross country RV trip next summer to tour a bunch of ballparks?
Unky Warthog: Absolutely, as long as we do our best to catch a Braves game...and it's a booze cruise.
Pablito Neal: Possibly.
The Daymonster: It was my idea, so of course.
DammerWillEatU: Probably.
Adeclipse: I don't know about playing a cross country road trip. I also am not a fan of planning them to ball parks either. I am not a huge fan of baseball. I only get interested if the Astros or Rangers make it into playoffs.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Questions and Responses
Posted by
11:21 AM
Tags: Get to Know 'Em
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Hey Daymont did you check your e-mail? I sent those questions back to you like a few hours after you posted them. Unless, i don't have the right e-mail address.
This brings up an interesting topic, I think it's time for Round 2 Get to Know Em' of Addy. I call not it for writing questions (you won't get them for like two weeks if I do it).
I can come up with some of them. But I have to take a look at round1 to remember what we asked.
have we seen a picture of addy? if not, it's funny that people selected him to fight me and josey. i'm guessing people assume he'd be good at fighting cuz he's from texas?
Adeclipse, I forgot about sunset riders, I still have that game with my SNES. It was so good, I was always the Mexican in the poncho with the shot gun.
Also, huge cop out with the video game/sex question. Pussy.
SB, ya I posted his pick in the get to know 'em.
Yeah there was a bad picture of me half drunk on my honeymoon in the get to know em section. And, hey I do know how to fight because i'm from Texas. I've got some picture on my Facebook page if you want to see what I look like. Only thing is that I have short hair in most of those pictures and it's getting pretty long now. I'm tempted to shave my head though and go Buzz cut Goatee.
I bet me and Dajuicee could take most people though, i'm about 6 foot 225 and he's about 6-1, 240 (you can see him under Tom Troller on facebook, he's in most of my pictures too). All Texans know how to throw down. I think we're taught it in elementary school.
I actually remember starting in like middle school if you got in a fight at school they didn't give you detention, they just took you to the gym and told you to get it out of your system and fight on the mats so there was less chance of serious injuries.
Also, by the way Daymont you have way to many pictures on your Facebook page hahaha. And, yes sunset riders was awesome. I used to play that a ton, but you would be stupid to go with any of the guys except the 2 guys with shotguns. The other 2 guys were too hard to hit people.
I always thought Dajuicee was black.
no chance dajuicee's farts are worst than dammer's. dammer's are by far the worst i have ever smelled.
They're also by far the worst I've ever farted.
I vote let us never findout who's are worse and never let them in the same room at the same time. That could be bad.
Well since everyone else is answering them I suppose I will to.
1. When I was 3 my dad got one of those handheld electronic football games. The ones with the red lines.
2. Xbox 360.
3. StarCraft: Brood War It is 10 years old and I still play it along with an average of 30,000+ other players at any given time.
4. The Xbox 360 controller, it's by far the best controller out there.
5. Arby's
6. Mountain Dew Pitch Black the original, but since they don't make that anymore I'll go with Mountain Dew Code Red.
7. All variants of Beef Stroganauf served in the Luther caf.
8. burp in the face
9. Adeclipse and I
10. It really sucks because either way I would have to quit one of my jobs, but I would go without sex for a year.
11. Cyber Nations
12. No. I'm not a big fan of baseball.
Hopefully this upcoming game is better than Red Steel.
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