I haven't had the opportunity to play too much Halo lately, but when I have had a chance no one from my beloved KofC has been on. In fact some haven't been online for over two weeks! Last night I did play a couple games with Dammer, and that was good, but not as good as it used to be, back when we all played.
But then something happened, I saw Dajuicee was on. Now, many of you might not know Dajuicee but I played a couple games with him and Adeclipse back when Adeclipse was new. I don't know Dajuicee very well, and as far as I can tell he is some sort of secret gay lover with Adeclipse, but that's not important. What is important is when I checked out his Halo party, I saw he was playing with 4 other people. Wow, 4 other people! That know each other?! That are communicating?!
I joined in their party and saw that Adeclipse was playing under a different name and we proceeded to play some social slayers. It reminded me of the good old days when we were all playing, talking, laughing, livin', L-I-V-I-N'. I miss those days and that is why I am leaving the Knights of Cydonia. It is too hard for to be a part of this great group and still be missing the everyday discussion and frequent Halo play dates of yester. It's been great knowing you guys and maybe one day we can be clan-mates again.
P.S. I am joking about quitting the clan. And the gay lover comment (kind of).
Speaking of other things that are about as strange as The Daymonster quitting the KofC, a USA Today article talks about how major music labels and individual bands are now approaching game makers trying to get their songs onto games like Rock Band and GHIII.
2.5 million songs have been downloaded since Rock Band has come out. And since only about 1 million copies of RB have been sold, that's like 2.5 downloaded songs per copy. That's a lot.
Here is the list of the 10 most popular songs for Rock Band DLC:
1. Metallica (Ride the Lightning, Blackened, And Justice for All)
2. The Police (Can’t Stand Losing You, Roxanne, Synchronicity II)
3. Black Sabbath (covers of N.I.B., Sweet Leaf, War Pigs)
4. Queens of the Stone Age (3s and 7s, Sick Sick Sick, Little Sister)
5. David Bowie (Heroes, Moonage Daydream, Queen Bitch)
6. Weezer, Buddy Holly
7. Foreigner, Juke Box Hero
8. Creedence Clearwater Revival, cover of Fortunate Son
9. The Knack, cover of My Sharona
10. All-American Rejects (Dirty Little Secret, Move Along)
Other strange occurrences? Well, somebody combined Super Mario and Halo into a strange side-scrolling adventure, called Super Mario Fusion. The video can be found here, and if you want you can download the game here.
Since this is a post about things that aren't normally done. I want to take this opportunity to extend the proverbial olive branch to LocoPollo/Puyo. Why let little things like what computer or what OS is better get in the way of a long and illustrious friendship? Let's stop this right here and show the Jews and the Muslims how saying you're sorry can go a long way. I'm sorry Loco, I hope you forgive me. Also, can you get me a free copy of Dr. Daisy Pet Vet. I also noticed Josey typing in the shout box at the right --->. This is also something that rarely happens. But it something that makes me very happy. I have been downloading about 8 new maps everyday (that's the limit you can do each time). What you need to do is sign into bungie.net. Make sure it says "Welcome, Josey Wales!" or what ever your Gamer Tag is.
Now go to the Game Map Variant Forum on the website. When you click on the forums you will go to a new page where the Map is posted. Here is an example of a map called "Titanic" at the top you will see something like this.Now click on "Download to Halo 3". Once you click on that you should see this.
Now click "OK" and you can continue doing this 7 more times. Game variants are the same way and often they are posted right with the Map so you can use them together.
Hope that helps Josey.
Also, go to google and type in "what you didn't know about the knights of Cydonia". We have gotten over 20 visitors in the last month from this search. People are going to know a lot about you, Eternal.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Daymonster to Leave Clan and other Bizarre Things
Posted by
11:37 AM
Tags: Bungie.Net, Daymonster, Maps, Rock Band
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For those of you are curious why major labels want there music on these games, it is because they realize that the current generation doesn't want to buy cd's anymore, and the revenue from digital downloads isn't near as high as the labels expect it to be. So you will see a lot of labels start to basically put their music in games and other things where some peopel think they are getting it for free, but in reality they are indirectly paying for it by paying for a video game for example. (There's an article in The Economist on it that I did a small report on.)
Sweet, a different person commenting besides me, Daymonster, and Addy. Jake I thank you for heeding my email. I also thank Daymonster for not actually quitting the clan. I'm all alone by myself tonight, we should all play Halo 3. I'm gonna buy a 40 or two and you should all join me in this endeavor.
Yeah, I read that too. It's funny because people think it's ridiculous to pay 20 bucks for a cd, but I have no problem dropping 30 for a blue ray. or 60 vor a vid.
People don't respect music the same, and to be honest I don't think they should.
I'm down for Halo tonight. Word on the street from an un-named source is SB, Josey and Pablito might be playing tonight as well!
sb and i will be on tonight, probably with some 40's as well. don't know about josey since the new semester started this week but i bet we can convince to play a few games
OMG... 4 kofc people online... NO WAY. what time are we talking, if its later im going to the bar
I might be on with a few guests tonight.
KofC vs. nice. clan match?
It is the "Nice." clan. Always a capital N and always a period at the end.
Not sure who i'll be with but at most there will only be two that are in the clan.
So no.
It was fun getting to play last night daymonster, i'm sorry if i haven't been on adeclipse much, i've just been chilling with the other guys i played with because i never saw anyone else on and didn't want to play ranked games against a bunch of good people. I'm down to play more since I still play almost every night. I'll even bring those other guys, even if they're not wonderful at halo, we still have a good time playing and messing around.
I won't be able to play tonight since i'm in another town. But, the good news is that I just bought a new vehicle. I got a 4 door Jeep Wrangler today so i'm pretty damn excited about that. Anyways, i'll be on tomorrow, probably with dajuicee and mybigdumbface, i'll most likely be on my adeclipse account since my other ones are about to run out of their free 1 month subscription and i'm sure as hell not paying for more than 1 account. Anyways, i'll see y'all around.
It was fun getting to play last night daymonster, i'm sorry if i haven't been on adeclipse much, i've just been chilling with the other guys i played with because i never saw anyone else on and didn't want to play ranked games against a bunch of good people. I'm down to play more since I still play almost every night. I'll even bring those other guys, even if they're not wonderful at halo, we still have a good time playing and messing around.
I won't be able to play tonight since i'm in another town. But, the good news is that I just bought a new vehicle. I got a 4 door Jeep Wrangler today so i'm pretty damn excited about that. Anyways, i'll be on tomorrow, probably with dajuicee and mybigdumbface, i'll most likely be on my adeclipse account since my other ones are about to run out of their free 1 month subscription and i'm sure as hell not paying for more than 1 account. Anyways, i'll see y'all around.
sweet, I want the new 4 door rangler. What color is it?
My cousin is a HUGE Jeep fanatic. He drives a maroonish Wrangler as well. My uncle also uses one as his mail delivery vehicle (he's a rural mail man), but his is customized so that the wheel is on the right side like a British car. I'm assuming you'll always drive with the top off?
It's a black wrangler, and yes most of the time the top will not be on it, especially in Texas. Right now it's like 50-60 degrees so it's way to cold for it, but around the middle of February it starts to get back up into the 90's so it will stay off consistantly around then. Inbetween now and then there will be days where it will get up in the 90s but it's so spoty when that will be that i don't want to be taking it off and putting it back on constantly.
I love jeeps, i had a jeep laredo for the past like 10 years so i'm ready for a new one. I just drove it for the first time yesterday and they are suprisingly quiet with the hard top on. Anyways, i'll be on tonight most likely playing if anyone wants to join in.
50-60 lol, I just wish it was above 0 here.
I agree. I just did a ten mile run in this -8 degrees that feels like -24. I would be praying for that perfect 50-60 degree range.
Bragger. I didn't run today, but I was very active in the apartment hooking up speakers and driving to Best Buy and vacuuming my apartment. FYI packing foam does not vacuum well.
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