I will make this post short for three reasons. A) Dammer made a really good post, I suggest you all read it below. 2) I have to leave in like 30 minutes for my work holiday party (yes, I had to come in to work for 1 hr before the party... lame. Here is where the party is at, I'm skeptical but I'll let you know how it is, and finally D) I don't have that much to say.
Let's get into it.
Actually before I start. Dammer I did download the Mitchell report and by the end of the day yesterday I had read to about page 100. I plan on reading the whole thing (what else do I have to do), but I did skip around to some of the good parts (i.e. Roger "Barry Bonds if he were a pitcher" Clemens' 8 page investigation and Chuck Knoblauch's 2001 failed act of desperation). It's a good read.
Anyway... I decided that we all need to have customized KofC member wallpaper. I started with Tilla's but I am going to make at least one for everyone. Also I am working on a few that are just standard KofC imagery. Here is Tilla's, it comes in 1920 x 1080 for the wide screen users and 1600 x 1200 for the rest of you. Let me know if anyone else wants one, and any ideas you can think of.
Speaking of Tilla, while I was looking to see what his emblem looked like, I came across a screenshot he took. I don't have a problem with the fact that he took it, I do have a problem with what he labeled it. I don't know which is more funny, the fact that I only got 1 kill, or the name of guy with the most kills on the other team. Yes, Corndog that hoe!
That's all, I hope to play some Halo tonight or at least this weekend. Let me know.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Fridays Are Cool I Guess. Vol. 2
Posted by
9:24 AM
Tags: Bungie.Net, Daymonster, Tilla1234
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I feel honored to make the first post on a post...Usually I'm the last one but not today...With that said, I'm lovin the wallpaper that Daymonster created. How may I ask did you create such fine work??? And when can we see more of our glorious clanmates in outstanding form?
Soon, the hardest part is making the emblem. Because bungie only gives it to you in like a 70x70 pixel form so I have to make it bigger without losing the clearity.
I took some good screenshots from the last few games so I plan on making at least one more by monday.
The picture is you BRing someone on standoff. But I have couple of our 10 kills warthog rampages too.
I'm thinking we should all submit wallpaper theme requests to Daymonster. I think there should be good and bad themes. For example, I could be depicted in my most potent configuration: with BR in hand and Mauler strapped to my belt. I could also be depicted in another wallpaper with my archnemesi: a sticky grenade attached to my face while being shot with a shotgun. We'll all also want to be in different positions against the backdrop too.
Yeah, I had that planned but it was midnight when I did it and I had to be rested for the drinking festivities today.
Yeah, my wallpaper is definetly getting sniped in the head.
I need one of me getting needled yelling "No way! No way! NO WAY!!"
Daymonster couldn't yours be just a black screen? Zing!
Pablito a screenshot of you with random needles sticking out of your body before they explode would be sweet.
I'll be on all day. Someone please sign in.
haha nice one dammer
and did everyone get word we're putting blam 2 as our emblem background? we also have kind of an animal theme going with me as a cat, sb as cobra, josey as wolf, daymonster as unicorn... but that's not anything official. other animals are still available like, spider, bear claw, hawk and wasp
... ok i just checked everyone's emblems and yes everyone got the memo except loco. also, adeclipse and eternal both have crosshairs, don't know if one of you will want to change
Gyarr I refuse to be that which is not a pirate. Here's an intersting story for the extremely bored people out there (or is it just me).
Shark eats kangaroo.
So I'm so bored I did a google search of Knights of Columbus to see how far down the list we show up. After about 20 pages I narrowed it to Knights of Columbus Halo and we're number 1 on the list. I did discover however that we have one of these. When did this happen and why was I not aware?
me and daymont put that up. that's how adeclipse found us :)
Immediate effectiveness. Sweet. Some of the clan names on there are so lame/funny.
ya most of the other clans have retarded names. we need to challenge the knights of death and knights of valhalla
yo it's sunday
actually, it's monday.
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