Well, it's Monday.
I don't mean to detract from poll-happy Josey Wales' post about the pressing beer issue. But I had some time last night after being betrayed by Squatting Bear, Josey Wales, and Tilla all in one night. But I won't bore you with a post about that, although it was very frustrating. Instead, I finished campaign. The last level was probably one of the best in any video game, and you could easily make an entire game out of it. The actual ending was pretty lame if you ask me. All I will tell you is that I guarantee Halo 4 will have a similar beginning tutorial as Halo 1 had.
After I finished campaign, I went to the theatre to watch some game footage. Then an idea came to me. What if you took a few screenshots from a couple angles and pieced them together. You could definitely make it 3D. Anyway I decided to try it out real quick before I went to bed and this is what I came up with.
It's Dammer getting his ass blown away by a 'nade in Guardian. Click on the image to see it. Obviously it's not great as it is a major pain in the ass to upload the image, unhook my xbox, go online to bungie.net and then piece it together. But it's a start and I have some good ideas for the future.
Or if you prefer, you can bust out those old 3D glasses and click on this one.

Two shitty Halo players find love
I also came across this post last night. To be honest if I was going to ask someone to marry me during Halo, I would probably just betray them and hump their corpse. But I am old fashioned.
How could you marry a girl with a lousy .82 social Kill/Death ratio? Oh, probably because he has a just as bad .82 ranked K/D. Another thing that's fishy about this, as her screen shots of the "Marry Me?" event is different than his. In her picks the M in 'Me' is made out of covenant rifles, and in his it's made out of snipers. I am going on record in saying this is a major publicity stunt and I will only believe it if they have their wedding on top or red base at Valhalla on Xbox Live.
KofC Theme Song Information
So I narrowed my choices down to two songs. Unky has emailed me the mp3 of his choice, but I am still waiting on everyone else's (besides Josey, and Pablito). I am super pumped about this so please send me some songs asap.
I realize it's about 10:30am and thus will not hear from Squatting Bear for another 3-5 hours, but the rest of you have no excuse.
Rock Band Watch
Less than 180 hours until Rock Band. It's a drum off!
Pete and Josh,
They have Rock Band stuff out for demo play at Best Buy. Let's go there to practice!
oh. Also, I will be in Minnesota Friday & Sat night of Thanksgiving weekend. Rock Band/Drink fest Friday night? I will not take no for an answer
wicked! we can do some practicing and put on a concert for the apartment building
Solid post Daymonster
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