Not too much is going on today, at least in my world, so if anyone has anything pressing please feel free to post it or add it to this post.
Amazon's deal of the day is the Halo 3 Legendary Edition for $59.99 with Free Shipping. Essentially you can get your own Master Chief collector's helmet and Halo 3 for 54% of the regular price with out paying tax or shipping... tempting.
KofC Picture of the Day
Dammer's Screenshot of a stick he had on Narrows.

Speaking of Dammer, his shitty Steeler's barely squeeked by the winless Dolphins 3-0. Wow, was watching the MNF game really better than playing halo?
I just completed the replacement program for the Rock Band guitar. As I told you the other day my guitar is broken but fortunately the replacement process seams pretty easy, I just told them the issue I was having, gave them my address and they should send me a new guitar with a prepaid box to send my broken one back in. Until then they put a $125 charge on my credit car to ensure I send back my old one. And they said they weren't selling individual instruments. Liars.
Bahamas is looking more tempting by the minute. My only question is: this place is like a resort, I am worried we can't just walk in and sleep in your room. There might be some restrictions on things like that and the last thing I want is to get down to the Bahamas and not have a place to sleep. Well, it's not exactly the last thing I want, but it wouldn't be as cool as mooching of SB for the week.
As most of you saw from Josey's comment, Target is selling a Def Leppard guitar. I have included a picture and description from Target's website. The only question: is it compatable for Rock Band?

Lastly, we need something to get excited about again, like the Get to Know 'Ems, or the Official K of C Song (which, I believe is "Immigrant Song") anybody got any ideas?
that's a good point about confirming whether or not sb can have guests sleeping on his floor. i found plenty of flights i can afford for a sunday to wednesday visit. i'd leave early sunday morn and arrive around 5 pm sunday, then fly back late morn wednesday.
alright, I got those day off... now I am just waiting for the best flight. SB is there anything we need to know about this tourney on when we should come/not come?
What prices did you guys find and on what website, I would like to get my tickets soon to try to save money.
I am also getting exicted I spent some time with SB yesterday chekcing out the sweet water slides again, this place is going to be a lot of fun.
O I forgot to add, for those of you that are interested I was at Target today, and they have a sweet Def Leppard giutar on sale and it comes with a photo of the bad that is signed. You coudl get exicted about that, I was when I saw it.
Yeah that game sucked, although I did drink a good amount of beer and played a good amount of pool. To be fair it was the Dolphins 6th loss by 3 points this season, and the game was played following a monsoon. In my defense I was ready to play Halo until the wee hours of the morning last night......that is until Tilla and I played a Doubles match at Isolation, got owned by a bastard on a ghost, and quit altogether.
oh, it's not a rock band guitar... not interested
KofC Secret Santa anyone?
A little info on the PCA:
I just registered and chose to play on Day 1A, which is Jan 5th. So I will probably be playing most/all of that day, then Day 1B runs on the 6th, which I will not be playing. If I make it past day 1A (20 % of players advance past day 1, so I probably have something like a 30 % chance of advancing), I'd play again on Jan 7th, and then everyday thereafter til I'm eliminated. There is less than a 10 % chance I'd be playing past the 7th, especially given my track record in live tournaments (0 for life, holla).
As far as multiple people staying, they say I can bring one guest free of charge, and you are supposed to pay for any additional guests. However I know many people who brought many guests last year and most had no problem. We might have to exercise a little discretion but it should be fine. If worst comes to worst we'd have to pay the extra person charge which I think is 50/night. I think the main thing is we will only be able to get 2 room keys, which shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Yeah, SB, if you could ask some peeps you know about how they got more people in that would be helpful.
Who else is in?
I am 100% in baring any crazy circumstances.
Also, I am looking into purchasing a bar/starting a bar/getting liquor licenses. It's suprisingly less complicated than I thought.
I am down for Secret Santa. Also, we need to invterview unky eternal and then we can add him to the clan.
i don't understand his name. unky eternal? is an eternal some halo vehicle i don't know about?
ok, after talking to a few more people (i had to wait for peeps to wake up), it sounds like it shouldn't be a problem at all to have multiple in my room.
The guitar my not be for rock band pablito, but think about all the times you could walk home 5 miles at 1 a.m. in the freezing cold with a six string on your back if you had it.
Actually the Warthog Eternal was a protoype model.
check it out here:
unky, secret santa's a good idea
sb, bahamas is sounding more and more possible for us, your entourage!
josey, i've got an electric guitar but i rarely practice so i don't need a second. slugging 2 across st. paul would be cooler than carrying 1 though...
monster, cool pic.
pablito, please don't walk home from the bahamas.
If we dont let him bring a giutar he will not.
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