This is the first installment of a series of comic strips, where squatting Bear is trying to see if Dammer's Girlfriend exists. Along the way he meets some hilarious characters. It will keep you on the edge of your seat.
I want to apologize for some of these jokes as they are starting to get really old, but I really couldn't think of anything else. Enjoy.
Click here to see the first comic strip.
Also, I meant to say this earlier but from all of us at the Knights of Cydonia I want to say...
Happy 21st Birthday to Unky Eternal

Buy yourself a shot and next time I see you I will pay you for it. Or I'll just buy you a shot next time I see you. Your call. Also, you MUST post a recap of the night, including pictures.
Happy Birthday Dave, I assume you are wasted and will not read this for some time, and that makes me really happy!
I wish you a non-rememberable 21st!
Thanks guys, I will take some pics and let you know how it went. I predict that the night will be summed up by just two words...
Happy Birthday Unky Eternal.
Also, why is it that i crouch around corners and have a 1.29 k/d ratio and always get made fun of? It was pretty funny though, nice cartoon.
Sorry I haven't been on a ton lately guys, i've been messing around on halo and been in the studio recording a lot on this album. I'll be on more in the future nights.
I've been super busy this week as well. My 7:00 workout sessions are cutting into my play. But when you're trying to beat the Daymonster in a fitness contest....
I'll be on all weekend, have no fears.
What is the current fitness contest status?
Cool, what are your guys' training regimens?
Ummm... I was unaware we started that. I haven't done shit for a long time. I walked like a mile the other day. I almost died.
I ellipticaled for 40-50 minutes almost every day for the past two weeks at a high intensity. On average the machine says I burn 500 calories, but it isn't properly tuned to my weight so who knows it could be drastically more. I've lost approximately 5 pounds, depending on how much and what food I've eaten recently.
I think I lost a couple pounds the past 2 weeks.
I can't eliptisize for very long, i get too bored. And usually some girl has the View on the TVs.
I am so glad after that comment that the place I workout does not have TVs.
my apartment complex has a little workout room with tv's and i'll only go in there when it's empty and law and order is on
Tim you would get bombed from one shot.
"Cut Tim off, somebody cut tim off"
haha, cut him off. dave party report plz.
birthday trip report please. i had a beer last night in your honor. yes, a single beer. i'm a gay guy now.
I drank my usual two glasses of bailey's
I had a tall Amberbock during bar trivia. After last night I am up to 11 free drink tickets which I can parlay into one completely free night of drinking....well after I get like 5 more tickets.
The party was a blast. Both my parents called me and told me not to have 21 drinks, but i easily did that. I started of the night with boot which i drank somewhat casually in about 12 minutes. Beerfest was on of course, and gustaf, schveiger, and unky playboy both drank a boot with me. Joe came over and we shared many hawk shots along with the 30 pack of 'stone that i bought legally. We went to americana for some karaoke, and it seemed like everyone there took it upon themselves to buy me a shot. I blacked out before we left the bar, and apparently unky yeager and playboy had to help me walk to the car.
Needless to say, i had an awesome 21st bday and i wish you guys could have been there.
stones + boot + hawk = awesome time.
I have pictures of the can i post those?
i was so hung over today that i had to miss my lab. I went there, threw up and left.
you can email them to me and i'll post or you can think logically and post them yourself.
Dave I was in a bad mood, and it will get worse when SB does not wake up in 20 min, but your story was fucking sweet and it cheared me up, good work I wish I could have been there, and I really wish I could do a boot right now, I think I would put up a good time, I just feel it.
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