Dammer posted a long comment about his experience with COD4. I took his comment and posted it along with my response. Also at the bottom of the post is a couple links and a list of the COD4 perks.
Also, last night I woke up and saw that LP, SB and Dammer were online playing COD. I turned on the Xbox and stared playing multiplayer until their game was done. Will anyone be playing tonight? I might shorten up my drinking schedule if that's the case. I haven't had much problem with lag lately (knock on wood).
DWEU: First impression of the game: I have a lot to get used to. The first online match I played I spent the entire time dying 5 seconds after spawning and being bombarded by air support. I was trying to practice up in the single player campaign but LP and SB signed on when I barely got into it.
TD: Maybe Puyo and SB can tell me if I am wrong, but as soon as I hear "Enemy Air Support" I do two things, either a) get indoors or b) get away from the rest of my teammates/move. I think I have only been killed by air support two or three times since I started playing.
As for playing single player to help you with multiplayer. I think besides getting to learn some of the buttons in the game, the campaign won't help too much.
DWEU: I think I'll like the game more after I get used to not being able to take a shot or two and get back in cover. The last couple games I played I was getting better. Sometimes I swear I'm in cover, or I can almost guarantee that I turn the corner of a building, but then I get shot down and watching the opponent's camera it looks like I was just sitting out in the open. I also get hung up on doors a lot.
TD: The hardest thing for me to adjust to is that in Halo if someone runs by you you can just run after them right away and start shooting. In COD4 it's best to let them run by, shoot them when they get right in front of you and then move away.
As for thinking you get around corners, you could be getting shot through walls. If you are behind thin walls, boards or corrugated metal the bullets can go through them especially if they have a high powered gun and/or the deep impact perk.
DWEU: I also don't like how the jumping works out. It's kind of like a mix of Halo and Gears of War, some things you can jump on, some you fail to jump on because they're too high and then have to push A to climb up.....I'm definitely going to play through more single player and read up on the different weapons.
TD: I originally thought the same thing for jumping. But now I think it works okay because its like saying, you can jump up on this but this you can't so you have to put your gun down for a second to do it. It's more realistic and you are not jumping around like crazy.
DWEU: I'm on the "Harder" setting I think and the part in the TV studio during the first level took me FOREVER. I would walk in far enough to get the evildoers going and then pick a few off, then die by grenade. My arm was getting so tired from throwing grenades back. I have a problem too where I push the button to throw a grenade back before it shows on my screen, so I just huck one of my own and then die as the other explodes. Finally I just sat back in a room and picked them off for about five minutes, they kept coming back, so I hucked some nades and advanced into some other rooms with cover that I could get into before but never survive. This time I had more support but I had also already taken out some annoying bastards on the second floor walkway.
TD: One thing you have to remember is that when you see the grenade icon it just means you are close to it, it could kill or hurt you. If you see the icon that shows you how to throw it back, you are right over it and if you don't get away or throw it back you will die. If you hold RB while you just see the regular grenade icon you will throw your own and still could be hit by the enemies.
DWEU: All in all so far I would not say I'm super impressed, and the first couple of multiplayer sessions just simply put were not fun. It got better though, and I think it will continue to the more I play.
TD: I think once you get a decent weapon/scope, (I really like the red dot) you will find it more enjoyable. Learning the maps is important and can be really fun. I hope you keep playing it because I think we will find it more enjoyable in the long run and it's fun to have a couple games to play together.
Here a thread that has people talking about what guns/perks they use: Team Xbox COD Thread
Here is the List of Perks:
Perk Slot 1:
* Bomb Squad (detect placed C4 charges)
* C4 x 2* Claymore x 2- Master Gunnery Sergeant 1 (lvl 23)
* RPG-7 x 2
* Special Grenades x 3
* Frag x 3 - Colonel 1 (lvl 41)
* Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip)- Captain 1 (lvl 32)
Perk Slot 2:
* Juggernaut (More Health)
* Sleight of hand (Reload quicker)-unlocked at Master sergeant (lvl20)
* Stopping power (More weapon damage)
* UAV Jammer (Jams enemy radar)unlocked at Sergeant lvl 11)
* Sonic Boom (Bigger explosions)
* Double Tap (increased rate of fire)-unlocked at 1st lieutenant (lvl29)
* Overkill (carry two primary weapons, no pistol)-unlocked at lieutenant colonel (lvl 38)
Perk Slot 3:
* Extreme conditioning (Sprint longer)
* Steady Aim (Steadier aiming)
* Last Stand (Shoot your pistol while dying)-unlocked at Corporal (lvl 8)
* Deep Impact (Better bullet penetration through walls)
* Dead Silence (Less noise when running)-unlocked at Brigadier general 1 (lvl 44)
* Iron Lungs (Hold breath longer when sniping)-unlocked at 2nd lieutenant (lvl 26)
* Eavesdrop (Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)-unlocked at Major (lvl 35)
* Martyrdom (While dying, player pulls a grenade)- unlocked at Gunnery sergeant 1 (lvl 17)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Dammer's First Impressions of COD and Daymonster's Response
Posted by
9:43 AM
Tags: COD4, Dammer, Daymonster
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i didn't realize there were so many different choices for guys and unlocking stuff as you level up. that sounds cool, especially like making a team where we all have special duties. i'd like to play a little over at sb's before i buy the game myself though
Yeah, it's really cool, because you can put the perks together to make like cool combinations.
Like, dead scilence and UAV jammer and a silenced sniper rifle you can sneak up right behind people.
I think the coolest thing about the game is the radar. how enemies only show up if they shoot their gun or you have gotten a UAV to fly over.
It's all a lie, CoD4 is evil... Oh wait, i mean i still suck at it. I'll probably play some today and tonight if anyone is on. Dammer you should get on and we can be horrible at the game together.
adeclipse are you a lvl 12 yet we need to get our clan tag. if KofC is taken what should we get instead?
Hahaha lvl 12.... I think you have to get kills to get points to level up. That has not been happening quite so much lately. I think i figured out my problem though. I'm used to sniping in most games and playing distance classes, and I have been trying to run around a lot on CoD4. Maybe that's why i'm getting killed so much and not doing any killing. As far as level goes i think i'm a level 5 maybe. I'll see if i can work on that today.
The first game we played with dammer ther were 2 randos on our team with 0 kills and 20 deaths. There was always an enemy radar enabled, an airstrike being called, and always a helicopter in the air. Not a good first game lol.
Also, the worst part about single player is you have to push forward to stop the enemy from respawning, they get unlimited reinforcements if you don't push forward. That is my only gripe with it. Other than that it is really good. You may want to play on regular, instead of hardened or whatever.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I was having fun sniping these guys that kept popping up in the windows and then i realized I had been doing that for 15 minutes. So I grabbed a shotty and m16 and ran into the building and cleared it out in 3 minutes
The operations on the helecopter are fun aswell as being a sniper. It sucked when the nuke went off.
The kid that sold me Assassins Creed, told me that once you rank up in COD4 you can start over again, like droping back to zero and do it again, on-line. Is there any truth to this statment?
I read something about that too josey. I guess it's true, but i don't know if i'd want to go back down to the bottom.
Kid said like if you play a lot with a gun you get upgrades for it, so if you start over you can like upgrade other guns maybe, I dont really know.
Yeah it's true. You have a symbol by your name so you can rank up again to get the perks and guns. I think its a cool idea because now you should be really good and you can go back and see how good you are without your perks and sweet guns.
Well, you upgrade the gun you are using so if you upgrade it all the way you can switch to a different gun to upgrade that one.
You need like 25 kills with a gun to get the red dot score, 25 head shots to get the ACOG scope etc. it's fun.
OK thanks, that is sweet.
hey i just saw this story when reading about upcoming dlc for rock band, pretty funny
and you can level up to 55 then choose to start over 10 times, each time getting a new insignia next to your name. says in call of duty 4 wikipedia
That's funny. We should check ebay for super cheap sets. I thought you were going to link to all the articles that are ripping rockband for the lack of diversity in their DLC... it's all like heavy metal stuff and mostly covers.
It does kinda suck that you can't play on the same screen.
you can't play multiple people on one tv??
In COD4 you can do split-screen, but you can't do split-screen and play on live or system link.
Daymonster please post how I go about sending in the xbox with the red ring of death, I need to get it fixed so I can start playing
COD4 and join the clan on our new battle field.
Hey Josey, if you want to send in your xbox, the fastest way i've found so far is to go to xbox's homepage, and go to contact support under the support tab at the top. To the right side of the page you should see a section that talks about registering your xbox, or repair your console. If you click on that, you should just have to enter in your live account, and in info that they ask for. There is a question on there about is you xbox experiencing the red ring of death, and if so that they have extended the warranty to people who have had this issue. Once you fill everything out, they will send you a box to send the xbox back to the factory in. The box will include a delivery receipt that you can put to ship back to them, and also the packaging to protect the xbox, and some tape to close the box back up with. All you have to do is remove everything from your xbox including the harddrive, and go to a I believe fedex store and drop it off to be shipped back to microsoft. I did this the week before this last on Friday, and had my xbox back on Thursday of the next week. It is my second time to have to do this, but this time they got it back to me in under a week. Normal time for it to be gone is usually about 2 weeks though. Hope that helps Josey.
How to fix the RROD
RROD, Xbox Support
The weird thing is that Tilla just got the RROD and his box is new as of last summer. Since I was gone I let him borrow my box after I left yesterday and last night. It's such an inconvenience.
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