Not to take away from Loco's extensive stats post below. But there were a couple of things I wanted the KofC contingency to know. First is the latest Bungie Podcast. It is with Luke Timmins, who is the main networking engineer at Bungie. Not only does Luke swear like a sailor but he also explains how he accidentally turned himself in by "hacking" all the social security numbers of the fifty-thousand students and faculty at the university he attended. It's a pretty funny story.
But more important than even that, Luke explains why the problems like lag and other NAT issues happen. It was like he was talking to me. He also talks about COD4 and how they network. But I think you would all find it interesting even though I know no one will listen to it. Hell, I wouldn't except I need something to do when I am ellipticizing.
Which brings me to my next point, I have lost about 10 pounds in a little over a week. I am still obese but I am getting very close to just "very overweight." It's really quite exciting. I encourage you all to enter in your info on the BMI calculator and post it. I am a 30.3.
I am not sure if you are aware of this but China is made at the US for bringing over all their own food for the Olympics. Read the story here. I don't see what the big deal is, I think they are just bringing over like 6,000 lbs of Lee Ann Chins.
The auto-update for Halo is out with the new Melee system and various other fixes. For a more detailed report on exactly what is going on check out the link. And no, Josey, I don't know when the auto-update for COD4 or new maps are coming for COD4. They said spring but that's like 3 months long.
Anyone still have a Dreamcast? If you do you can buy every single Dreamcast game created. Yep, every single one. 606 of them. And they are all sealed. $20,000, and it could be yours.
I think we all knew this, but now we have a pie graph to prove it.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Podcasts, Chinese Food and Obesity
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9:31 AM
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I am a 27.5 on the BMI. Overweight but not obese is alright I suppose.
I am Obese.
21.2 Normal, this thing is dumb, it doesn't take into account muscle mass versus fat mass.
too much muscle is bad for you too. look at all these super muscular people that die of heart attacks.
or maybe it's the steroids
haha puyo, obviously its dumb. I spoke to that in a post about 2 days ago. 21.2... you need to put on some weight.
A Belgian scientist named Adolphe Quetelet came up with the formula in like 1830 for some completely different reason. People still use it today for some reason.
The best measurement is whether or not climbing a flight of stairs makes you winded. Or whether walking in general is a difficult task.
dammer you posted your last comment at 6:39 a.m. WTF
I start work at 6:30. I wake up at 5:40 in the morning. I have to take into account the time to drive back to my apartment from my girlfriend's, which is another 5 minutes or the dark with frosted windows and no contacts in. Then I have to eat, shower, and prepare a lunch before I leave. In general I am one to two minutes early or late for work, never right on.
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