While out running amongst the deserts of Owatonna (yes running through the deserts, big woop wanna fight about it?) I was blessed with a sight that can only be seen by those with the eye reflexes of anyone with caffeine and adderall coursing through their veins. Obviously I was quite taken aback by the gravity of the situation. An obvious constructionist...the wielder of the hammer had to be in awe at the agility of the ninja. A roofer should not have to put up with such a situation during his workday, yet I feel as if both of us were graced by the presence of a true ninja-master. It soon became apparent to me that I had seen something like this before, but only infrequently. I was instantly reminded of a certain Squatting Bear, the seemingly inconspicuous Halo player you may sometimes find out in the wilds of Snowbound, Containment, and Sidewinder. In fact I would dare to say the rarity of both of the sightings is beyond belief. Alas my glimpse of the ninja was fleeting as he dissappeared into the Owatonna afternoon sky. Perhaps soon I will see him or Squatting Bear again, crouching upon some other unsuspecting construction worker's, or Halo player's, tools of the trade.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Local Ninja Sits on Hammer
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7:09 PM
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If I had no idea what the fuck you were talking about would you think less of me?
Because... I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
You need to use your imagination. It is a veiled reference towards a lack of Squatting Bear online.
Well, I might have picked up on it, if I didn't play with squatting bear for over 4 hours last night (two seperate sessions) and if memory serves, I didn't see you on there.
On a similar note, anybody going to play tonight?
Nope, I was busy hanging with the gf. I've been on every night/afternoon this week up until last night.....except for this entire weekend since I'm not gonna be around.
I think I will be playing tonight Tom, I dont have anything else to do.
its best to have you gf get drunk so she falls asleep, then you can play halo.
I want to play tonight, Josh/Pete can one of you come pick me up after work?
I will still be in the library when you get off work. I just left and right now Pete and Rose are cooking special K bars together. So maybe he will be done baking in time to pick you up, dont bet on it, because the forgot the cereal. I would call him for a ride, I dont think he will chech this all day becuse he will be with her. If you are not at our appartment when I get back, I will come get you!
sorry, but that is a horrible photoshop
Dear anonymous Photoshop snob,
Maybe it's paint, in that case, i commend your MS paint skillz.
I don’t have Photoshop at work so sometimes we have to do with what we have.
Please give us links to your awesome realistic Photoshop images.
Jake if you posted that as anonymous I'm gonna rip your earrings out. I did use Photoshop at home. Obviously I wasn't going for flawless, I was going for funny/get the point across.
well in that case... yeah dammer, you do suck at photoshop.
This is DJ and it was not I who posted that anonymous bash on your photoshopping skills.
Oh yeah, well you all suck at everything but photoshop!
I thought you were supposed to be the PSE (Primary Software Expert) for Photoshop. At least, that is the word on the street.
No, I'm the backup PSE with plans to take over as the PSE after I've done the appropriate legwork. Right now I may appear to have the skills of a Tavaris Jackson, but when all is said and done I will be like Adrian Peterson...on steroids.
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